Deanna R. Ansaldo Artist

The fragmented heart melts into netting, strings tether to the formations with feathering at the ends, turning into something like a dream catcher. the idea being that a broken heart gets caught in the netting, like a nightmare that is held back from entering a dream.

A soul can be both a sea and a garden. Vast and ever expanding, all rivers leading to it like the ocean. Ever growing, and requiring tender care, patience and resilience, like tending to a garden.

In a way.. this sketch is almost a self portrait. My heart is often soaring as I marvel at the beauties of nature.

This sketch embodies me stretching out my drawing muscles. I drew this pretty quickly and if I could choose one word to describe how it made me feel or describe what I drew? Id say : Empowered.

Images of shaking out a rug, and of course shaking out your bones (dancing) come to my mind looking at this.

Treeboat sailing the seas of linear expression.

Both of these wood burned designs were drawn, in the same way poets writing stream of consciousness essays. Intuitively.